Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bush Vetos Stem Cell Bill

Yeah Bush !!!!!
Veto that thing and veto it hard.

You may think I am being hard on "all those poor people who need this research", but I am NOT. What the news agencies are NOT telling you is that this ONLY applies to "Embryonic" research and NOT ADULT stem cell research. The media keeps hyping embryonic as the last possible hope for Parkinson's and numerous other bad things. And yet,,, More hope has come out of adult stem cell research than ANY embryonic stem cell research. The ONLY reason there is such a push for embryonic is because it is patentable. The big drug companies (the very companies that are sooo bad at lowering drug prices) are pushing the embryonic so the can patent the cure and make BIG MONEY off the poor Parkinson's (and others) people. The people who are voting and pushing for this to happen are either extremely deluded by the hype OR are on the take from the Big Money Drug companies.

Next time you read a news article, check the fine print and notice he hasd vetoed "Embryonic" stem cell research and NOT adult stem cell research.
BTW: Adult stem cell research has led to many breakthroughs and has help thousands of people where Embryonic stems cells have not produced any clinical successes. Ask yourself WHY the push for something that looks like a dead end? Money!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Response to comments on other blogs

Yes.. Granholm is trying to recruit some outside factories to come to Michigan. Unfortunately she is cauing more to leave with her wasteful spending and anti small business tactics. She INSISTS on "replacing" the small business tax and therefore burdening the poor small business owner with the taxes we as Michigan citizens already removed. Too many times we vote for lower taxes and more personal responsibility and Democrats apparently think we are stupid and come in and put them right back in place.

Yes, Toyota has some nice paybacks to the cities it occupies, but GUESS WHAT... so would other cities if our small businesses were not taxed so bad. Trickle down man trickle down. Small businesses help the communities, big government only takes away money.

People forget that in a true FREE society, government is only there to protect me and my stuff, not take it away and give it to other people. Michigan is currently stealing money from me to pay for other peoples food , other people housing, other peoples kids rides to school , other peoples college tuition, and on and on. Yes it is a nice thing but it is not really MY responsibility to send someone else's kid to school, or feed them. I work hard to do that for my own kids.

If all you have to worry about is WiFi and cool places to go then I envy you... envy you a lot.
And when has Michigan had a Republican base? If it does why is SHE in charge?

P.s. Check out the Mackinaw Center for Public Policy.We CAN balance the budget and not raise taxes.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Various ramblings about Michigan

I firmly believe that Michigan is currently overspending and overstepping its bounds as an extension of its voters and taxpayers. I believe that the "programs" should benefit Michiganders as a whole and not take money from the whole and give to the select. "Programs" such as welfare, school funding, grants, and other spending should be reviewed in depth and revised to allow the taxpayer to utilize those programs they are paying for. We cannot forget that taxpayers are PAYING the bills for these programs, it is not free money, hard working people gave up thier time for these programs to exist. Every dollar spent in a bill or program came out of someones time and every dollar should be spent as if you were spending someones life.

I believe that school funding and grants should be based on each individual student. If someone decides he should go to LCC instead of MSU then he should have the same funding (totally,not just his grant but the money given to the school as a whole: other funding, special programs etc..) to go to LCC as someone going to MSU. If Michigan truely wants to "invest" in the future of its children (and not just rhetoric) then Michigan should insure that ALL children have the same opportunity and that schools who cater to students (taxpayers) be rewarded for thier efforts.

When I graduated and went to college I was unable to obtain any grants since my parent "made too much money" (they were both school teachers and mom taught at the christian school for basically tuition money). I guess that it did not matter that I was paying for college myself. I worked three jobs just to pay for it. I had no credit at the time so no student loan. I went to LCC and LOVED it. And yet now I am paying taxes that help fund schools that I could not and can not ever hope to go to. If I could I would pull that portion of my taxes and give it to LCC or Northwood, or any number of "lesser" schools that actually try to help the students. p.s. I was accepted to MSU and it was only after they took my application fee did they tell me they had no programs towards my goal.

Right now Michigan businesses are having a hard time making it here. Any taxes applied to businesses are getting passed straight on to it's customers and that is making it hard for customers to buy goods. Remember the trickle down theory? If you "stick it to the big guy" the little guy will feel it. The guy that owns the business is not going to take the hit, he will pass it on to his customer which means higher prices and a higher cost of living to reside in Michigan.
In a nutshell there is no such thing as a tax to the upper class or unfair taxes to the middle and lower classes, the tax will get spread around to everyone, seen or unseen.

Render onto Ceaser that which is Ceasers. But in this case Ceaser is taking more than his share and giving it to his friends.

I think welfare is a sin. It is not up to the government to take care of the poor. It is up to churches and charitys. Welfare is taking time and life from working people and giving it to non working people with no real strings attached. Churches and Charitys will make sure the poor have ways to become productive again, the government has only loop holes that people can jump through and waste more time.
Welfare in the US has only been in place for just over 70 years. It was put in place due to the depression and the lack of people saving money and for those who were incapable of working. Now people still don't save money. They live on credit and depend on bankruptcy. There is no severe repurcussion for not holding your own.

Mackinaw Center for public policy

Check out the Mackinaw Center for Public Policy. They make sence !!!

Why oh why will our Governor NOT listen to them??? Oh thats right, she has an agenda to raise taxes. She does not want a solution, she is already totally convinced that she can handle YOUR money better than you can (socialism??). You, the taxpayer, have no clue what your money should go to and she should take it from you and hand it back out as she deems fit.

Remember, BiPartisan does NOT mean "Do it my way".

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Simple Math

So, is it just me? Or does the Governor of Michigan not know simple math? She INSISTS that we as Michigan residents pay MORE TAXES !!! Taxes are a %percent% NOT a fixed figure SO,,, if Michigan is hurting then there will be less money from taxes. Fix Michigan's hurt and there will be MORE money from taxes. Grabholm insists that she must have higher taxes to "fix" Michigan. She will fix us all right, and NOT in a good way.
Simple math is what it is, a value of a % of an amount will go up when the base amount goes up. Say a hard working Michigander makes $50,000 (aint me thats fer sure) and Granholm takes $16,500 (33%) that leaves the taxpayer with $33,500 to spend on goods here in Michigan (Gas is a good). $16,500 for what??? Welfare, health care, and education. The first two ain't goin to me since I earn my living and my health care, and the last one I really don't like what they are trying to teach my kids anyway or that schools don't even have recess anymore. Do I get a rebate if I send my kids to a private school??? no.....
Anyway.. different rant.
Back to the point.
IF the taxpayer makes $60,000 then the State gets $19,800. Imagine that, people make money, the State makes money. So GRANHOLM Concentrate on making the people in Michigan some money and then your administration will get some money NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
By the way "Programs" in Granholm speak is her giving YOUR MONEY to other people. How does paying a guy NOT to work help me? How does giving my money to schools to educate other peoples kids help me? Since she seems intent on over-taxing small businesses why would these "investment students" stick around Michigan when they can make more money out of state and live better with lower cost of living???

She insists on a BiPartisan budget but also insists on a tax hike. How is it BiPartisan if she is holding a knife to their throat and forcing them to vote against conscience and raise taxes? Keep up the good work Michigan Legislature and keep our taxes low.

BTW2: Anyone who wants one, I will sell at cost a "Granholm! No New taxes" tee shirt. Either that or I am thinking about a "Michigan, the NEW Canada" shirt ;-)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Best Buy and the decline of America

Ok. Christmas is over and it is time to return all those thoughtful gifts you were given. Actually, I do not return presents myself, until THIS year. This year I received a Best Buy gift card that I would like very much to return. Guess what... You canNOT return it. You can buy something at Best Buy with it and return that BUT they give you another gift card. HEY BEST BUY !!! I do not want to buy at your store. That is why I want to return it!!! Your prices are high, your customer service sucks, and your policies are not in the interest of customers.
Now I really have a dilemma. I am a cheep skate and I know that the "best buy" is not at Best Buy but I am stuck buying from them. I have had people say, "Use it anyway, the price does not matter, the card was free!" but my demented mind refuses to let me think that way. Someone spent 5 hours of thier life working to pay for that card. I do not want to throw away that gift on someplace overpriced for something I really do not need.
Then I watch the news and they are talking about these online places you can auction your cards. From looking at these sites it looks like you will lose a couple bucks on your card. Looks like almost 4% of the value of the auction + minor expenses. So a $100 dollar gift card may only get you $95 in the auction and then the site gets $3.50 + listing fees. So out of the $100 your friend/family worked hard to get for you, you could actually get $90 in cash. The other alternative is to "Trade" your gift card for a card you can actually use (Say Lowes or Home Despot). This still costs you a little BUT you can now get something you can really use.
Here is one of many of the places you can do this or I still don't know which is better, so let me know your thoughts.

Good luck.