Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bush Vetos Stem Cell Bill

Yeah Bush !!!!!
Veto that thing and veto it hard.

You may think I am being hard on "all those poor people who need this research", but I am NOT. What the news agencies are NOT telling you is that this ONLY applies to "Embryonic" research and NOT ADULT stem cell research. The media keeps hyping embryonic as the last possible hope for Parkinson's and numerous other bad things. And yet,,, More hope has come out of adult stem cell research than ANY embryonic stem cell research. The ONLY reason there is such a push for embryonic is because it is patentable. The big drug companies (the very companies that are sooo bad at lowering drug prices) are pushing the embryonic so the can patent the cure and make BIG MONEY off the poor Parkinson's (and others) people. The people who are voting and pushing for this to happen are either extremely deluded by the hype OR are on the take from the Big Money Drug companies.

Next time you read a news article, check the fine print and notice he hasd vetoed "Embryonic" stem cell research and NOT adult stem cell research.
BTW: Adult stem cell research has led to many breakthroughs and has help thousands of people where Embryonic stems cells have not produced any clinical successes. Ask yourself WHY the push for something that looks like a dead end? Money!

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