Thursday, May 17, 2007

Simple Math

So, is it just me? Or does the Governor of Michigan not know simple math? She INSISTS that we as Michigan residents pay MORE TAXES !!! Taxes are a %percent% NOT a fixed figure SO,,, if Michigan is hurting then there will be less money from taxes. Fix Michigan's hurt and there will be MORE money from taxes. Grabholm insists that she must have higher taxes to "fix" Michigan. She will fix us all right, and NOT in a good way.
Simple math is what it is, a value of a % of an amount will go up when the base amount goes up. Say a hard working Michigander makes $50,000 (aint me thats fer sure) and Granholm takes $16,500 (33%) that leaves the taxpayer with $33,500 to spend on goods here in Michigan (Gas is a good). $16,500 for what??? Welfare, health care, and education. The first two ain't goin to me since I earn my living and my health care, and the last one I really don't like what they are trying to teach my kids anyway or that schools don't even have recess anymore. Do I get a rebate if I send my kids to a private school??? no.....
Anyway.. different rant.
Back to the point.
IF the taxpayer makes $60,000 then the State gets $19,800. Imagine that, people make money, the State makes money. So GRANHOLM Concentrate on making the people in Michigan some money and then your administration will get some money NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
By the way "Programs" in Granholm speak is her giving YOUR MONEY to other people. How does paying a guy NOT to work help me? How does giving my money to schools to educate other peoples kids help me? Since she seems intent on over-taxing small businesses why would these "investment students" stick around Michigan when they can make more money out of state and live better with lower cost of living???

She insists on a BiPartisan budget but also insists on a tax hike. How is it BiPartisan if she is holding a knife to their throat and forcing them to vote against conscience and raise taxes? Keep up the good work Michigan Legislature and keep our taxes low.

BTW2: Anyone who wants one, I will sell at cost a "Granholm! No New taxes" tee shirt. Either that or I am thinking about a "Michigan, the NEW Canada" shirt ;-)

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