Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Best Buy and the decline of America

Ok. Christmas is over and it is time to return all those thoughtful gifts you were given. Actually, I do not return presents myself, until THIS year. This year I received a Best Buy gift card that I would like very much to return. Guess what... You canNOT return it. You can buy something at Best Buy with it and return that BUT they give you another gift card. HEY BEST BUY !!! I do not want to buy at your store. That is why I want to return it!!! Your prices are high, your customer service sucks, and your policies are not in the interest of customers.
Now I really have a dilemma. I am a cheep skate and I know that the "best buy" is not at Best Buy but I am stuck buying from them. I have had people say, "Use it anyway, the price does not matter, the card was free!" but my demented mind refuses to let me think that way. Someone spent 5 hours of thier life working to pay for that card. I do not want to throw away that gift on someplace overpriced for something I really do not need.
Then I watch the news and they are talking about these online places you can auction your cards. From looking at these sites it looks like you will lose a couple bucks on your card. Looks like almost 4% of the value of the auction + minor expenses. So a $100 dollar gift card may only get you $95 in the auction and then the site gets $3.50 + listing fees. So out of the $100 your friend/family worked hard to get for you, you could actually get $90 in cash. The other alternative is to "Trade" your gift card for a card you can actually use (Say Lowes or Home Despot). This still costs you a little BUT you can now get something you can really use.
Here is one of many of the places you can do this or I still don't know which is better, so let me know your thoughts.

Good luck.

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