Tuesday, August 04, 2009

SAVE OUR HSA's (and our health care)-various ramblings

Once again I am writing to you about Mike Rogers...
This time he has taken up the Health Care Reform mantra and he has some good points.
The bill as approved Friday night by the Energy and Commerce Committee will almost surely eliminate our private health care system as we know it. We will be forced to accept government run health care and any benefits from our HSA (Health care Savings Account) will be thrown out the window. In other words if you have been RESPONSIBLE with your health care programs. Paid all your bills and worked hard to put your families well being first, the YOU are screwed. Now if you have not gone out and supported your family by working hard then hey, this program is for you. Of course all the hype is that "Oh My... There are people without INSURANCE !!!"... I say "SO WHAT" I have been in jobs with no health care but I was 18 and in college. That is part of growing up. Since I have gotten out of college I have worked hard and have either had a job with insurance provided or I found a way to get it. Funny how the State mandates that you "have auto insurance or you don't drive", why don't they just say you must have health insurance too and be done with it. Then people could pick and choose the right programs for themselves (Geico, Progressive, State Farm...) AND save money. Instead the Government screwed it all up by making it only tax deductible if you get it through your employer. Hey, If I am self employed or a student or working at a low end job I do not have that luxury. If the government wanted to do it right they would give tax breaks on ALL health care related expenses and drop the whole employer provided model that exists. For that matter, open up the whole 401K program too and drop Social Security !!!! If I had the 14% the Government is taking out of my pay (7% out of me and 7% from the employer which is basically out of my paycheck) I could have a whole lot more in my mutual funds then they are gonna pay me when I retire!!!

The whole thing is about RESPONSIBILITY!! The government (Democrats/Liberals) feels that you the people should not have to worry about responsibility and they will gladly do everything for you. They know that if they do, then they can control you and they have the power. If this bill passes you will now be going to work and laboring for less then half of your paycheck.

You went to school (government run) and to college (government funded), and worked hard for your grades. You went out and got a low end job and worked hard to work your way up and along the way you started a family. Now all that work, studying, labor and stress is going to pay the government to tell you what you can do with your money. After all you are NOT taking it home, you are giving over half of it (or will soon) to other people who did not go to school, did not work hard, and did not show responsibility to their nation or family. Oh BTW,,, some of those that DID go to school did not pay much for their education (I bet you did) as the money came from the government. They are also the ones who got the job you really wanted because the employer needed to be "diverse" so they could get the government off their backs. Of course you worked hard to pay for your education and you worked hard to get good grades and learn something... Too bad you did not get the job.

NOW comes the time to make yourself heard. NOW is the time to stand up and say, my money is my money, quit giving it to other people. Government is for the people by the people. "The people" is YOU, why are you getting screwed by the government.

Governments role is to protect me and my stuff, not to take my money and give it to other people. Education is nice, but I want to pay for my education, not someone else's. Health care is nice, but I want to be rewarded for keeping myself healthy not penalized by paying for some slob who has to be rescued by Jerry Springer by knocking a hole in his house to get him out. Car insurance is nice, I want to pay for MY insurance and not for someone who is driving illegally without insurance (Michigan charges 100 bucks of a $200 policy for uninsured motorists that motorcycles can not apply for...).

I was once thanked by a business for "complaining" about the service at a store/restaurant because if I had not, they would not know there is a problem. Let your reps know there is a problem, a very big problem, called government spending. Tell them to "Get out of my wallet", and start cutting into the budget. In a recession, cutting spending is the only way to go. Makes sense doesn't it??? If the country does not have money, don't spend more....

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