Friday, June 26, 2009

Plan for Health Care Reform - My Letter to the Honorable Mike Rodgers

Dear Congressman Rogers

I have read your recent e-mailing regarding health care reform and while I agree there needs to be a change in the Health care system I know that Government intervention/funding needs to be reduced not increased. Government caps on profits, and fees lead to less available product from the manufacturers. This is one problem other countries have run into with Government capped pricing. They are now buying US made drugs instead of producing product in their own country. If the manufacturers cannot make a profit, then they no longer want to produce the drugs. Hillary found this out when she capped the Flu Vaccine price. The next year we ran out of vaccine since no one was making it because there was no profit. Now YOU want to do this on a grander scale? Sorry, history shows it does not work. Forget caps, and help eliminate wasteful legislation and allow US businesses to do what they do best, manufacture goods (drugs) people want.

The main problem I see with our health care program is that people (insurance customers) have no reason to watch their choices, no reason to negotiate with doctors on price, and no reason to choose cheaper medications that are available. IF the US had a reason to watch their spending you would DEFINITELY see a reduction in Health Care Spending, a reduction in Health Care Pricing, and a happier more informed populace.
HSA is a very good program (Health Care Spending Account) that allows reduced monthly fees, savings account for copay and deductible that rolls over and collects interest, and a sense of investment that encourages thrifty use of health care dollars. Existing Health Care system encourages "get the most I can for my dollars" and increases spending and decreases Insurance company profits (thus higher prices to end customer).
HSA should be expanded to include the current Flexible Spending Account system that encourages users to blow their money in a "use it or lose it" system that benefits no one.
Government needs to get out of the way and make people responsible for their Health Care spending and allow the insurance companies to offer more savings incentive programs and drug companies to develop new drugs while making the older ones cheaper.

Bottom line... The insurance industry and drug companies were developed BY INDIVIDUALS. NOT the government. So why should it be controlled BY the government. It would not exist without Profit, Incentive, and a Need.

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