Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OBAMA supports junk mail and spam

Hey, if Obama can talk about all the big business tax cuts and how the White House will be run by Lobbyists if McCain gets in, then I guess I can talk about how OBAMA supports junk mail and spam.
Thursday I got a large flyer from Obama. It was big, full color and full of Obamaisms. Too bad that I as a taxpaying business man cannot afford to send out fliers like this due to all the taxes that Granholm (DEM) has implemented. Actually in the flier it says that Obama will end tax breaks for businesses. Lucky us in Michigan, Granholm has already done that. Technically it says he is going to end them for companies that deal with overseas, but in this day of WalMart and Harbor Freight, there is no way to compete unless you do at least something overseas. Nice global thinking there O'.

So then Friday, I get ANOTHER flyer from O'. Now mind you, I am NOT a Democrat (really???) and I have never voted DEM, registered DEM, or ever even hinted I may be open to DEM, and yet O' thinks I may be swayed to his side by a high dollar flyer with the nice picture of grumpy looking Cheryl VerEllen saying the economy is crashing. Apparently the implication is that McCain IS Bush and it is Bush's fault that Michigan slid from high status to almost last. Guess she does not realize that the slide happened AFTER she voted Granholm in TWICE!!! Look at how Michigan fell and that is how the rest of the country will fall if we tax the heck out of it.

Funny how these fliers have a lot of pictures and very little text... Hmmmm...

Do you really want more junk mail???? Do you really want more SPAM???? According to OBAMA, poor John McCain does not even know how to work a computer... How is he going to send you spam???

Vote for less Spam, Vote for less junk mail, vote McCain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never voted or registered Democrat either, but I get stuff from Obama too. Interesting.