Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A lesson from the United Way

What do you think about when you think United Way? Worthy charity? Doing good for other people? Helping your fellow man? You would be correct. United Way has actually been around since 1887. In fact it is older than the act that created a "non-profit" status.
How about "Goodwill"? They help those with disabilities and "cannot work" situations. They started back around 1902. Are they doing good work? Have they failed miserably? If so why are they still around?

So.. If the United Way and Goodwill (and many many other charitable organizations) are doing such a great job then WHY does the government need to do it? All of these "programs" that Obama wants to implement, and many that are in place (welfare to name one) are already being done by other people. Actually being done by other people BETTER then the government can do it. The thing the government is good at is taking your money and giving it to someone else (and losing half of it on the way there) without YOU choosing to do so. What the next president should do is instead of taking my money they should give me a 1 to 1 credit for giving donations to Goodwill, United Way, and the whole slew of other worthy organizations the I CHOOSE to give it to. That way the government does not need to waste time, energy, and my money, by giving away to people I do not even think deserve it.

A little history, the government is "for the people, by the people". That does not mean "for the poor people", it does not mean "for the uninsured people" and it definitely does not mean "for the I do not want to work so I am gonna get welfare people". It means "for the people", ALL the people, of which the MAJORITY have jobs, work, and make money so they can survive themselves. Why take "the peoples" money and give it to those who do not contribute? Groups like United Way and Goodwill have stipulations about who gets money, the government cannot do this since it is by all the people. YOU can decide who to give your money to when you donate and you can be assured it gets used correctly. With the government, do you think it is getting used correctly??? Who has his hands in the pot? Who is influencing what state gets the most of it? You just do not know!

Let your government representatives know that you want to be in control of who gets your money. Tell them to back off on government spending and let we the people handle our own charities instead of the government acting like one big mandatory charity.