Monday, August 28, 2006

The pondering of human interaction

So... the basic question is WHY humans cannot exist at least in small groups and get along? Every club, hobby, and job I have been involved with started out well but the longer I was involved the worse the place seemed. The wonderful interaction and comradere that made the experience so great evaporates and leaves a nasty bickering and infighting within the group. People come and go and disrupts the flow and makes a bigger mess of hurt feelings and misunderstood intentions. After a while it seems to be a competition of who can tough it out the longest and survive until all else have left and that person is now the dominate member of the group.
Currently I am in a club and have been in it for 2 years. There is no training for new members so they are pretty much clueless and need lots of help. A little training would go a long way towards reducing bickering, stress, and confusion. BUT... There is no program in place to train the new people and the elected officials in charge never had one so the figure the new people do not need one either. A kind of "I did not get it and I came out OK" mentality. Instead of trying to raise people up and help, they tear down the people trying to change for the better.
I am torn between staying in the club, applying for an office, and trying to make a change OR say screw ya all, I am going home... I have found other people in the club with a similar feeling yet I do not know if I can depend on these people to continue on in the club and help make a change or are they going astalavista also?

I want to make a difference at MY club. I want to contribute to MY club. I keep getting the feeling that my contributions are NOT wanted and yet they keep saying that the club needs people to help. IS it just ME? IS it the CLUB? IS it just a handful of people that feel their position of power is in jepordy?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Construction zones - Michigan

I do not know how it is in the rest of the country (betting not much different) but in Michigan this (summer) is the time for construction zones.
What is it about people in construction merge areas? The places before the construction lead to some of the biggest cases of road rage I have seen. People will get into one lane about 5 miles before the construction zone. It is no big deal that they are preparing themselves BUT WHY do the feel they need to impose thier driving habits on everyone else? I still have 5 miles to merge !!! and yet they will swerve over in front of you to keep you from passing. It is like they are the highway enforcer of merge lanes.
This year in Michigan they have signs in some zones that say to stay in both lanes until arriving at the construction zone and then merge appropriately. Guess what... Road enforcer cannot read either !!! (billboard I saw once said "Are you illiterate? Call 1-800 ###-####. Wonder how many calls they got)
Anyway... For all of you who feel that you MUST control everyone around and how they drive, You are making it WORSE !!! It slows down traffic, ticks off others at YOU, and in general makes a great case for escalating road rage.
My advice... Stay in your lane, Quit tailgating (too keep out merging traffic), and just listen to your self help tapes.